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Features: The system Victron Energy Color control GX (CE)
Manufacturer: Victron Energy (Netherlands)
voltage, V: 9-70
Operating Temperature Range, ° C: -20 ... +50
Height, mm: 130
Width: 120
depth, mm: 28
guarantee, months: 60
system Color Control GX - this intuitive control system and monitoring of all related products. List of products of Victron, which can be connected, is very wide. Inverters Multi, Quattro, MPPT solar controller, battery monitors BMV Series 600 and 700, charger Skylla-i, Lynx Ion and other
In addition to monitoring and testing of products for CCGX, information can also be transferred to the free Victron Energy website portal for remote monitoring "VRM Online portal". To get an idea of "VRM Online Portal", visit https://vrm.victronenergy.com and enter the demonstration mode.
When an internet connection is, all the data is transferred to the VRM Portal. When a connection is not available, the data will be stored in a device, up to 48 hours. When using the micro SD card or USB stick is possible to store more data.
The system can be connected to the Internet via an Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi.
The system has the following ports:
VE.Direct: 2 separate VE.Direct port (insulated);
VE.Can: 2 parallel connector RJ45 (isolated);
VE.Bus: 2 parallel connector RJ45 (isolated);
USB: 2 ports USB Host (not isolated);
Ethernet: 10/100 / 1000MB connector RJ45
The control panel Color control. GX has a pretty big opportunity, but some of the functions currently not yet available (marked as a future functionality). These features will be available later, when upgrading firmware. firmware update is performed automatically when connecting to the Internet or the panel by hand with a firmware file which is recorded on the USB flash drive or microSD card. Updates, Internet Connection panel checks every day
Supported products
-. Multi, including three-phase and split-phase system. Monitoring and control (on / off and a current limiter). Changing the Multi settings are not yet available
-. Quattro, including a three-phase and split-phase system. Monitoring and control (on / off and a current limiter). Changing settings and used active input is not yet available
-. BlueSolar MPPT 150/70 (85). The output current is displayed in the overview screen, and all the parameters are transferred to the VRM Online Portal. VRM application has a good informative overview, showing details of BlueSolar MPPT 150/70 (85). When multiple controllers BlueSolar MPPT 150/70 (85) are connected in parallel, the Color Control GX displays all the information as one controller
-. BMV series 600 may be connected to VE.Direct ports on the control panel, the VE. Direct to BMV60xS cable
-. BMV 700 series can be connected to ports VE.Direct on the control panel, using the appropriate cable VE.Direct
-. BlueSolar MPPT solar chargers with VE.Direct port can be connected VE.Direct to the ports on the control panel. Connecting multiple controllers as possible, they are displayed in a separate solar charger in the device list
-. USB GPS can be connected to the USB Host port. Location and speed will be shown on the display, and data will be transmitted to the VRM portal for tracking the location
-. Lynx Ion BMS
- Lynx Shunt VE.Can