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For Zakhyst priladіv nizkoї naprugi od perenaprug transit through the atmospheric rozryadzhennya and takozh dії diagram
Vikoristannya:. virіvnyuvannya potentsіalu gromorozryadnika ofіsnih y / z zhitlovih budinkah zovnіshnіmi lіnіyami input, of zovnіshnіm Zakhyst od bliskavki at nebezpetsі bliskavki shock. . Vstanovlennya in zvichaynomu korpusі rozpodіlnika zapalyuvannya
- Z by a new bagatobazovoyu Lower Chastain that bagatofunktsіynimi Clem for broadband Internet
- Tsіlny block skladaєtsya of verhnoї that nizhnoї. Chastain, poperedno vstanovleny she prepares to broadband Internet
-. Unіversalno pіdhodit to TN systems that TT
- Plug-rozryadnik of dinamіchnim pristroєm vіdokremlyuvannya
- W optichnoyu іndikatsієyu funktsіy
- Rіven Zahist <0 9 kW
- sealed and zaduvalny rozryadnik of zinc oxide varistor for vstanovlennya in s ichaynomu korpusі
- Markovanі broadband Internet
Performance specification V 25-B + C / 1 + NPE (5094 45 7):
The maximum nomіnalna napruga UC V 280 < br /> Klas vimog zgіdno EN 61643-11 Type 1 + 2
Vіdpovіdaє vimogam KLAS for IEC 61643-1 class I + II ZZB 0-2
Іmpulsny Strum (10/350) Iimp kA 7
Nomіnalny іmpulsny Strum (8/20) In kA 30 Maximum іmpulsny
Strum coil Imax kA 50
Rіven zahіstu Up kV <0,9
Hour reaguvannya tA ns <25
Maximum zapobіgannya A 160
Mezhі temperatures -40 ° C - +80
Stupіn Zakhyst IP 20
Quantity Chastain / modulіv TE (17,5 mm) 2
Max. peretin broadband Internet, zhorstky provіd, mm square. 2.5 - 35
Max. peretin Stranded. provіd mm square. 2.5 - 35
Max. peretin monozhil. provіd mm square. 2.5 - 25