"Green" tariff - the cost of electricity for private households producing electricity from solar energy by electric energy objects installed on roofs and / or facades of private households (houses, buildings, structures). It enables not only to use its own solar power plant, but also to earn extra money.

In Ukraine, the "green" tariff is regulated by the Law "On Electricity", as well as by the relevant decree of the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of energy and utilities (hereinafter - NCCREC).

The procedure for selling, accounting and calculating electricity produced from energy from solar energy by objects of electric power (generating installations) of private households is approved by the decision of NKREKP № 170 dated 27.02.14, with subsequent changes, approved by the resolution of the NCCREC No. 229 dated 02.25.16 .

The size of the current "green" tariff can be monitored on the NKREKP website.


(The decision amends

Resolution NKREKP from 25.02. 2016 number 229 )


National Commission, which performs state regulation in the energy sector



27. 0 2.201 4                    number 170



Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

26.05.2014 by number 539/25316


On approval of the sale, accounting and payments for electricity produced from solar energy electric power facilities (generating facilities) for private households


According to Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine "On Electricity" and Regulations of the National Commission for state regulation in the energy sector, approved by the President of Ukraine from November 23, 2011 № 1059, the National Commission for state regulation in the energy sector, decides:


1. The Regulations sales, accounting and payments for electricity produced from solar energy electric power facilities (generating facilities) private households supplied.

2 of retail electricity market NERC in due course to ensure representation of this resolution to the State Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

3. This Regulation shall enter into force after its official publication.


Committee Chair                                      Serhiy Titenko




Minister of energy

and Coal Industry of Ukraine                                           Yu.Prodan


Chairman of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine V.Tsushko                           


Chairman of the State Service of Ukraine

Regulatory Policy

and business development                                                     M.Brodskyy

(Letter number 3229/0 / 20-14 of 15.4.2014 on

approval of the draft regulatory act)



Resolutions and NERC

27.02.2014 number 170



Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

26.05.2014 by number 539/25316



sales, accounting and payments for electricity produced from solar energy electric power facilities (generating facilities) for private households


I. General Provisions


1.1. This procedure governing relations between household consumers of electricity and energy supplier that supplies electricity at regulated tariff proceedings in the territory licensed activities (hereinafter - the energy supplier) associated with the sale of electric power generated from solar energy facilities Electricity (generating facilities) private households, and payment for it.

1.2. The terms used in the following ways:

installed power generating installation of private households - nominal inverter power generating equipment installation that provides parallel operation with the system generating installations;

installation generating installation - installation of solar panels on the roof and / or facade of a household (house and buildings) and private households within other equipment that ensures the operation of generating installations intended;

accounting unit - a set of mounted and installed on the same board or in a closet meters, power equipment accounting circles (if needed), limit the total power and switching;

Purchase and sale of electricity generated from solar energy generating facilities of private households - a transaction that is aimed at resolving civil rights and obligations between residential consumers and energy suppliers during the sale for "green" tariff electricity produced from solar radiation generating units of private households (hereinafter - Agreement);

allowed to consume power (permissible power) - specified in the relevant agreement on use of electricity power, energy supplier which agreed with households, to support the work of current collectors on the subject of domestic consumers;

energy facilities (generating unit) of a household - electrical installation, which is designed to produce electricity from solar energy, owned or used by residential customers and set within the household;

object residential customers - building or part of a building, which is located at the same address and belonging to individuals (natural persons) in ownership or use;

household electricity consumers (residential customers) - an individual who uses electricity for their own needs, not including professional and commercial activities on the basis of the agreement on the use of electricity from energy suppliers;

private household - domestic consumer object, which uses electricity to meet the needs according to the signed contract on the use of electricity;

measuring equipment - measuring equipment, including meters, current transformers and voltage range calculation used to determine the amount of electricity and the value of electric power.

1.3. Household consumer has the right to establish in his private households generating installations designed for the production of electricity from solar energy installed capacity does not exceed 10 kW but not more power authorized for use by the agreement on the use of electrical energy and is entitled energy suppliers to sell this energy by "green" tariff in the amount exceeding monthly electricity consumption of private households.

1.4. Energy supplier in the territory licensed implementation of which is located private household not refuse to purchase residential customers for the "green" tariff electricity produced from solar energy generating unit, subject to customer requirements hereof.

If the installed power generating installation domestic consumers than allowed to consume power under the contract for the use of electricity, the energy supplier within two working days shall notify the refusal to purchase for the "green" tariff electricity and makes recommendations on the need to increase the allowed to consume power.

If the installed power generating installations over 10 kW, the energy supplier within 2 working days shall notify the domestic consumer to refuse to purchase for the "green" tariff electricity with reference to the relevant requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Electric Power Industry".

1.5. Once installed generating installation household consumer notifies the post-application energy supplier in the form provided in Appendix 1 to this Order.

The application post-consumer household energy supplier provides a duplicate completed in one embodiment single-line connection diagram of a household generating installations using the network inverter (hereinafter - Wiring generating units) listed in Annex 2 to this Order.

1.6. Services in installation of metering unit provided energy suppliers under contract with domestic consumers of the treaty.

1.7. One copy of the scheme to connect installations generating returns energy supplier residential customers during the signing of the Treaty and is an essential complement to it.

1.8. Installation of electrical generating private households carried out in accordance with the recommendations of manufacturers and in compliance with applicable regulations Electrical Installation.


II. Sales generated electricity


2.1. Sale of electricity generated generating units of private households with solar energy, in accordance with the contract.

2.2. Inverter equipment that provides parallel operation of generating installations with the power of a household should not worsen the quality parameters of electric power energy supplier.

2.3. Domestic consumer sells energy supplier for the "green" tariff set by the National Commission for state regulation in the energy sector, according to the Law of Ukraine "On Power" electricity generated from solar energy generating installation of private households in the amount exceeding monthly consumption electricity such private households.

2.4. Sales generated electricity generating electrical private households without electricity meters are not allowed.

2.5. Disputes arising between residential consumers and energy suppliers during the sale of electricity produced by generating electrical installations of private households settled in accordance with legislation.


III. Accounting for electricity generation


3.1. Energy supplier provides on the verge of carrying affiliation of a household that produces electricity from solar energy, the arrangement in due course metering unit which shall measure the amount of electricity that is delivered to the electric network and is received by private households from the power grid or net flows received and supplied electricity in a calendar month, including the period of time during the day.

To account for private households generated electric power energy supplier uses bi-directional metering devices active electrical energy accounts separate volumes supplied to the electric network and received from the power grid electricity, and (optionally) the balance between them.

The use of two unidirectional devices accounted stoppers reverse what amounts accounted for separately supplied to the electric network and received from the power grid of electricity for private households per calendar month.

3.2. Metering devices must be equipped with the interface data on volumes and directions of flows of electricity. Organization data channels, storage and processing of information carried by the energy supplier.

3.3. Removing the Impression metering devices is conducted monthly energy supplier. Household consumer has the right to control the correct removal impressions meters and issuing payment instruments energy supplier. Energy suppliers on a monthly basis not later than the 10th day of the month following the settlement provides residential customers report shows meters, volumes and directions of flows adopted-supplied electric energy signed by an authorized officer and the energy supplier in the form prescribed in the Agreement.

These automated system of commercial accounting of electric power (hereinafter - AMR) energy supplier on the amount devoted the networks of private households that produces electricity from solar energy, electric energy in an amount exceeding the monthly electricity consumption such private households is the basis for settling out residential customers - the owner (user) of the private household energy supplier and account data obs d purchased electric energy and its value when calculating the average purchase price for electricity.

3.4. If the accounting unit temporarily closed as a part of AMR energy supplier, checklist shows removal of meters conducted monthly energy supplier. In this case, your energy supplier metering device fixed in the act of acceptance and transfer of goods (electricity) using the form provided in Appendix 3 to this Order. Statement made in duplicate and signed by residential consumers and energy suppliers.

Observed in this way shows are the basis for determining the energy supplier the amounts dedicated private household electricity and related to the data of settlements between energy suppliers and domestic consumers - the owner (user) of the private households and considering energy supplier data volume of purchased electricity and its cost when calculating the average purchase price for electricity.

3.5. Restoration of damaged accounting (accounting unit) is conducted energy supplier within five working days from the date of everyday consumer to bring metering unit into a state suitable for implementation procedures measurement counter overflows consumption and generation of electricity, according to the agreed scheme to connect the generating plant.

3.6. Energy supplier at least once every 6 months should conduct a consumer checklist shows removal meters.

When removing the control shows the parties executed an act of acceptance and transfer of goods (electricity) (Annex 3) in two copies, one of which is the consumer, and verification of received and paid electricity. If necessary to act printout attached storage device with the account of volumes and directions of flows of electricity for the relevant accounting period.

The results obtained reconciliation and paid electricity when necessary mutual adjustment is made.


IV. Payments for electricity produced


4.1. Conditions and procedure for payment of electricity produced electrical generating private households provided by this procedure shall be specified in the Agreement.

Liability for breach of order and payment contract is established by law.

4.2. For payments for electricity generated from solar energy generating installation of private households, household consumer opens a bank current account, details of which are specified in the declaration message.

4.3. The payment for purchased in domestic consumer electricity generated from solar energy electrical generating private household energy supplier must transfer to the current account of domestic consumer under the Treaty and the law.

4.4. The settlement period for setting the size of the energy supplier payment of electricity produced from solar energy generating facilities ryvatnoho household is a calendar month.

4.5. Payment for purchased electricity energy supplier has to him on the basis of data on the amount of electricity supplied to its network, exceeding the monthly electricity consumption of private households, but not later than fifteen days after the billing period.


Head of Department

retail electricity market                           I.Horodyskyy


Appendix 1

Procedure to sales, accounting and settlement

for electricity produced from energy

solar radiation facilities

Electricity (generating facilities)

private households

(Paragraph 1.5)



Head _____________________________________________

(Name energy supplier, the structural unit)




Application messages


I ____________________________________________________________________________________ owner (user)

(Name, surname of an individual)

private households, which is located at ___________________________________________________________,

(Address, telephone number)

live (registered) at _________________________________________________________________ is domestic

electricity consumers in accordance with the agreement between me and use _________________________________________________________________________________________ Treaty

(Name energy supplier)

electricity from _________ № ____, to report that the roof and / or on the front of my private households made installation of generating plants, which produce electricity from solar energy. The scheme, which corresponds to single-line connection diagram of a household generating installations using a network inverter attached.

In this regard and in accordance with the Procedure for sales, accounting and payments for electricity produced from solar energy electric power facilities (generating facilities) private households, approved by the National Commission for state regulation in the field of energy, on February 27, 2014 number 170, please provide the service of installation of metering unit and sign a contract for the sale of electricity generated from solar energy generating plant Private list On the household.

Please me appropriate funds for electricity generated generating plant over my own consumption of private households transfer to my current account _________________________________________________,

which opened in ___________________________________________________________________________________________________,

(Name of bank)

bank code according to EDRPOU ____________ MFO _________________________.

To ensure accounting in private households connected generating installations designed for the production of electricity from solar energy, proper implementation of legislation requirements during me and payments under the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" I _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________,

(Full name o