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The heat pump air-pressure split.
energy for heating the house can be taken from the soil, water or air, and give to the heating system. The most effective source is the water and the soil, because they have a constant temperature all year round, and the performance of air-source heat pumps, is directly dependent on the ambient temperature (the colder it is outside, the less heat we can pick). If a house, for example in the summer, must be cooled, then the reverse is true - the heat is taken from the building and dumped into the ground (pond). The same heat pump can be operated in the winter for heating and in summer - cooling the house (but not all models)
Price - higher initial cost of equipment and installation, but you need to pay note that the payback period is 5-7 years, with more power, this period is reduced to 3-4 years
territory -. in the boiler heat pump takes up the same space as a gas or electric boiler, but also need to . allocate space for arranging outdoors ground probes or wells (only for the soil and the heat pump groundnut)
noise - concern only the air heat pumps in which the outdoor unit is installed outdoors
Save - consumes 35 times less electricity compared to electric boiler
Energy independence Environmentally friendly -.. there is no emission of combustion products
Security -. heat pump explosion and fire safe , no fuel, no open fire, dangerous gases.
Versatility - one equipment the consumer receives the heating, cooling and hot water
Reliability -. Reliability, heat pump stands on the order above all other boilers
Life -. In the heat pump it up, than the classical sources of heat, with the right calculation, can last 20-30 years and, thereafter, maintain their performance
Zhivlennya [V].
Glibin 380 [mm] 420
Virobnik: PHNIX
Max. thermal potuzhnіst [kW] 11.5
Potuzhnіst spozhivannya [kW] 15.3
visota [mm]: 905
Brand: Romstal
heat Jerelo: primer / water
Priznachennya: pіdіgrіv Vod in baseynі
Zhivlennya: 3F (380)
Z'єdnannya contour teplonosіya [inch] 2 "
Width [mm] 650
Krajina virobnik: China
Garantіya [rokіv]: 2