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Solar battery LG Neon ™ 2 Black was developed after adjusting for aesthetics and a short distance seems completely black. The product can increase the value of the property with a modern design. Compared to previous models, panel LG Neon ™ 2 Black designed with significantly greater efficiency of the module that allows you to have a larger rated power solar installation even in confined spaces. With the newly reinforced frame design, LG has expanded warranty on LG Neon ™ 2 Black for extra 2 years. In addition, LG Neon ™ 2 Black can withstand the load on the front side up to 6000 Pa, and the rear up to 5400 Pa
Specifications Type:. The single crystal NeON® 2 "CELLO" 12VV
Maximum Pmax power: 325W
voltage maximum power Vmp: 34.1V
The current maximum power Imp: 9.83A
open-circuit voltage Voc: 41.0V
Isc short-circuit current: 10.49A
maximum system voltage: 1000V (IEC)
Efficiency: 19.6%, 196W / m2
emperaturny coefficient Isc = + 0,03% / C
Temperature coefficient Voc = - 0,27% / C
temperature coefficient Pmax = - 0,37% / C
Physical characteristics
elements: 60 x 6 '' cells
coating: tempered glass with an antireflection coating
frame: anodized aluminum
type connectors: MC4
Size (HWD): 1686h1016h40
mm Weight 18.0 kg load
- front - 6000 Pa
- wind - 5400 Ra
Warranty 1 year, 98.0% of the Pmax, 25 years, 84.8% of Pmax120